We all want to look and feel our best, so our Women's Fitness series provides you with your own personal trainer in bookazine form. Each edition focuses in on one aim, using expert advice from fitness professionals and nutritionists to help you reach your goals. You could try out the Women's Guide to Running, the Best Body Bootcamp, Tone up in Ten Minutes, Get Your Body Back – and numerous other titles all dedicated to helping you feel fitter and healthier at your own pace.
Women’s Fitness Guide
The health benefits of exercise • Live longer, reduce your risk of disease – what’s not to love about regular cardiovascular exercise? Here’s how it can help keep you healthy for longer…
Why short workouts work • When it comes to working out, short and sweet is the way forward. You’ll be less likely to waste time and you’ll feel more focused…
Your new body starts here! • Get ready to make your workouts short and effective Here’s how to get the most from the training sessions you’ll be doing for the next eight weeks
Be safe, reduce injury risk
Get started today!
Your 7-day exercise plan This week’s plan of action
Your 7-day exercise plan This week’s plan of action
Your 7-day exercise plan This week’s plan of action • This week focuses on learning new exercises and how to do them correctly. Use slow, controlled movements. It’s easy to just go through the motions each time, but you need to make sure every repetition is effective.
Your 7–day exercise plan This week’s plan of action
Your 7–day exercise plan This week’s plan of action
Your 7-day exercise plan • This week’s plan of action
Your 7 – day exercise plan This week’s plan of action
Your 7-day exercise plan This week’s plan of action
Keep up the good work! • You’ve lost the weight, now keep it off by continuing to make your future exercise sessions challenging
20 best fat burning foods • Whether it’s foods that make you feel more full and help to prevent you from overeating, or foods that actually boost your metabolism, we reveal the best choices to help you lose weight and stay slim
Beat stress, get leaner • Stress can lead to weight gain and make you more likely to overeat. We reveal how to eat to beat stress
How to reduce your stress levels • You may be exercising hard and watching your food intake, but if you don’t combat stress, you might find it hard to achieve your fitness goals. Here’s how you can banish feelings of stress…
8 ways to stay motivated • Stay in shape! Keep up the motivation to exercise and make that fantastic new figure permanent with our top tips…
you’re done! • You look and feel great! So how do you create permanent habits to make exercise part of your life for good?